Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dark Skin VS. Light Skin

Hi my name is Kayla, and I want to shed some light on the Dark skin VS Light skin issue. We all know that the Dark Skin VS. Light Skin battle still EXIST! Yeah! Really it does. Some people believe that lighter or darker skin tone is better, while others think it's just another way of dividing the Black cultural. Since slave days this has divided our people, for an example house negro and field negro. This subject has ALWAYS has been controversial within the black culture and needs to STOP! Lately I've seen in some of my closest friends bio's on twitter  things such as #TeamLightSkin or #TeamDarkSkin yeah this seem minuscule but if people keep entertaining the ignorance it will never stop. People have their own way of stereotyping Light skin and Dark skin people. I've heard people say things like light skin people think that they're better, they are boogey, and that they have better hair. On the other hand I've heard people say that dark skin people have bad skin, most of them are ugly, hair is nappy and ugly. Both of these stereotypes should disturb the black culture and we should collectively put an end to racism within our own race!
Click the link and check this disturbing video out!

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